Tuchkov Park

Saint-Petersburg, Tuchkov Buyan. 2020
Competition project. III prize.
Our landscape park is a fantasy that brings together the history and future of the southern part of Petrogradsky Island by the head of Malaya Neva River. The abundant plant life and multi-layered space create a mystical contrast with the city and maintain a balance with its history and culture. The park opens up stunning novel views over St. Petersburg's famous architecture and forms a seamless link between the natural space and adjacent residential and business districts.
Tuchkov Park's main purpose is to serve as a new way of looking at the city, to inspire, to soothe, and to tell the story of the future Northern Palmira.
The proposed concept springs from invoking the unseen evidence of the past and transforming it into an archipelago of contemporary natural and functional spaces where everyone will find something to do.
TUCHKOV PARK—more than meets the eye